Route 666: Highway To Hell

Route 666: Highway To Hell
J.D. Toepfer

Jack Aitken, a life-weary rule-follower, forsakes conformity to pursue his authorial dream. Immersed in researching the forbidden Route 666, he stumbles upon a sinister ritual, triggering a battle against a malevolent force that matches the devil's might, and forever alters the course of his life.


About the Author

Born and raised on Long Island, New York, J.D. Toepfer graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, earning a political science and history degree. Living in Northern Virginia for the past 25 years, J.D. Toepfer works by day as a risk management specialist, striving to help clients avoid potentially devastating risks. But, at night, he writes paranormal thrillers, which put even his most beloved characters at risk of unspeakable danger. His writing adventure began when he found an actual highway to "Hell" on the outskirts of Culpeper, Virginia. His love for historical exploration motivated him to uncover the past and mystery of an infamous road. These discoveries allowed J.D. to weave a thrilling tale in his first novel, Route 666. The stakes couldn't be higher for a family whose mortal souls hang in the balance as they battle the darkest entity walking the planet.

J.D. Toepfer