
C. M. Sutter

Fresh out of training and ready to dig in, fledgling FBI agent Jade Monroe is tasked to join the hunt for the single-minded murderer who’s been terrorizing Houston, Texas. But when the investigation brings her face-to-face with the killer, Jade drops off the radar and must rely on her wits if she ever hopes to escape that predator’s terrifying grip.


About the Author

C. M. Sutter is a crime fiction author who resides in Tampa, Florida.
With more than forty books published in the thriller and crime fiction genres, she can often be found with a laptop in hand and writing at every opportunity.
She is an art enthusiast and loves to create gourd birdhouses, pebble art, and handmade soaps. Gardening, bicycling, fishing, playing with her dog, and traveling the world are a few of her favorite pastimes.
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C. M. Sutter