The Chronicle Gate vol 1: Ethereal

The Chronicle Gate vol 1: Ethereal
N. Lang

What if you ended up on a planet. . .and had no recollection of how you got there? On a planet called Ethereal live creatures known as the Elouse. A couple of kids discover a human child from Earth and take him in while their dad, Jasper, finds the planet “Earth.” Meanwhile the kids discover a plot by the Mer-Dragons to try to capture Jasper and must find a way to help him.


About the Author

I’ve been studying writing for a while now and have written scifi / fantasy articles. My main niche is fantasy but when I first began writing in 1999 I wanted to do science fiction but that all changed in 2000 when I read Harry Potter. Then I got into Terry Brooks, C.S. Lewis, and found Jayel Gibson. I’m part of a writers group where I’ve been polishing my prose and hard at work editing. When I'm not working on my writing I'm reading, or at the movies with friends, watching Netflex or Disney+ (Looking forward to the next Star Wars series)