The Critical Thinking Effect

The Critical Thinking Effect: Uncover The Secrets Of Thinking Critically And Telling Fact From Fiction
The Critical Thinking Effect

Do you struggle to sort through information and decide what's true? This book is a practical guide that enhances your cognitive abilities via a deep dive into critical thinking and logic. Discern truth in an era of information. Apply logic for clearer, smarter choices. Grab a copy now, and start sharpening your mind and making smarter decisions.


About the Author

Thinknetic publishes books that speak to people’s minds. We love uncovering and discussing topics like critical thinking, philosophies, or mental models (to name a few), and we’re earnest to share with you their daily applicability. Our books start the conversation about the thought process and ways to improve it from different perspectives. Expect to be entertained, inspired, maybe a little bit enlightened, and supported to take action. In every book, we provide you with a mix of storytelling, timeless quotes, theories made easy (and making a lot more sense), tools, and strategies to support you in improving your life while improving your thinking.