The Silence After The Storm

The Silence After The Storm: A Novel
The Silence After The Storm
Aliza Klebanov Florenthal

Two young men. One single gunshot. A daring escape across the border. Based on a heart-wrenching true story, The Silence After the Storm is a touching ode of yearning to those whose lives were cut short by the horrors of the Holocaust.


About the Author

Aliza Klebanov Florenthal (1948) is an Israeli artist, poet, and photographer. Aliza is a prolific author with over 10 books, novels, and poetry collections. She holds degrees in general literature and a Ph.D. in special education from ARU Cambridge University. A certified art therapist, Aliza owned and ran a therapy clinic for over 30 years and has participated in several art exhibitions in high-profile venues, such as the TLV White Gallery, Haifa Museum, and the Jerusalem National Theater. Aliza is a mother of five.