Unvanquished: How Confederate Women Survived the Civil War

Unvanquished: How Confederate Women Survived the Civil War
Unvanquished: How Confederate Women Survived the Civil War
Pippa Pralen

Eyewitness accounts of survival from Confederate women during the Civil War from over 50 diaries. Wives of plantation owners and slave women tell their tales of survival. They outwitted plundering Yankees and fed starving children. Catapulted out of cozy worlds of privilege, they showed a strong will and determination to live another day. (Amazon Best Seller)

About the Author

Pippa is a history buff, especially for American history. You can often find her reading some obscure journal from the 1600s, written by early explorers or settlers. Pippa researched numerous diaries of women who wrote of their Civil War experiences. We can feel as if we are there, fending off plundering Yankees, fighting starvation. We can be inspired by their courage and determination to survive.

Pippa Pralen