What Lies Inside

What Lies Inside
What Lies Inside
Iain Maitland

Malcolm Todd seems like an average older man living a quiet life in an ordinary bungalow on a suburban street.
Until Josie comes to stay with him.
She's young, beautiful, spirited. And it’s clear to Malcolm that they have a very strong connection.
Josie might not understand how happy they could be together. But Malcolm is sure he can persuade her…


About the Author


Well, here I am with a new novel, What Lies Inside. from Inkubator Books, out 16 June 2024; now available to pre-order.

Here's what the TV folk at AbbottVision had to say ...

'Combining the ingenuity of an Agatha Christie, the horror of Rillington Place and the wit of the best of British' ... 'in this crowded marketplace it’s hard to stand out but Iain Maitland has pulled off a masterstroke".

That sums it up really well.

This is the fifth thriller published by Inkubator Books following The Girl Downstairs and The Perfect Husband and The Soulmate and The New Son . Please do check them out.

Thanks for dropping by.


Iain Maitland