Witch Mirror

Witch Mirror
Witch Mirror
A.L. Hawke

Bryce and I are trying to revive Alondra’s old metaphysical history class. We’re in college again, this time teaching. But it’s stressful under our former teacher’s shadow. Not only that, there’s a new demon-witch messing with my love life. Well, at least this time I have Alondra’s magic to protect me. Actually, not only do I have her magic, her spirit is inside me, possessing me.

About the Author

A.L. Hawke is the author of the bestselling Hawthorne University Witch series. The author lives in Southern California torching the midnight candle over lovers against a backdrop of machines, nymphs, magic, spice and mayhem. A.L. Hawke writes fantasy and romance spanning four thousand years, from pre-civilization to contemporary and beyond.

A.L. Hawke