A Mortal Song

A Mortal Song
Megan Crewe
When the heir to a spirit kingdom discovers she is a human changeling raised as a decoy, she must adapt to her sudden loss of power and fight against horrific odds to save her home.

About the Author

Like many authors, Megan Crewe finds writing about herself much more difficult than making things up. A few definite facts: she lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and son (and does on occasion say “eh”), she’s always planning some new trip around the world, and she’s spent the last six years studying kung fu, so you should probably be nice to her. She has been making up stories about magic and spirits and other what ifs since before she knew how to write words on paper. These days the stories are just a lot longer.

Megan's novels have been nominated for multiple awards and published more than ten different languages. They include the paranormal GIVE UP THE GHOST, post-apocalyptic the Fallen World series, the sci fi Earth & Sky trilogy, and the contemporary fantasy A MORTAL SONG.