A True Story from a Parallel Universe

A True Story from a Parallel Universe
Brian Yansky
In a parallel universe where the fantastical creatures imagined in our world are real, a detective of The Poe Detective Agency must, with the help of his zombie girlfriend, undertaker best friend, and a famous three-headed dog, defeat a rich man out to destroy the detective and his beloved home city.

About the Author

Brian Yansky, like most fiction writers, writes from a parallel universe. He just carries it a step further and writes about the parallel universe in his new series, The Poe Detective Agency. His Poe Detective novels are independently published. He's published over a dozen stories in publications such as Glimmer Train and Literal Latte. He's an award winning author for his traditionally published young adult novels; the best known of the five is probably Alien Invasion & Other Inconveniences. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Frances, his dog, Gandalf, and a cat named Chaos.