Alaska: Saga of a Bold Land

Alaska: Saga of a Bold Land
Walter R. Borneman
The history of Alaska is filled with stories of new land and new riches—and always new people with competing views over how these resources should be used. Major themes include Alaska Natives, exploration and mountaineering, mining rushes, railroads and aviation, military operations, and conflicts pitting conservation versus development.

About the Author

WALTER R. BORNEMAN is the author of nine books about American military and political history, including the bestseller, The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King, which won the Samuel Eliot Morison Award for Naval Literature (2012), and MacArthur at War, World War II in the Pacific, a finalist for the Gilder Lehrman Prize for Military History (2016). His commentary has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and on Walt lives in Colorado where he is best known as the co-author of the definitive guide to the state’s 54 peaks above 14,000 feet. Brothers Down: Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the Many Brothers Aboard the USS Arizona, his story of the thirty-eight sets of brothers on the ship, was published by Little, Brown in 2019.