Brimstone: The Legend of Quentin Cain

Brimstone: The Legend of Quentin Cain
Daryl Russ
In the Old West, Quentin Cain was easily the most wanted man. There weren't many banks or trains he hadn't robbed. He killed men and molested women. He was like a wild, untamable animal. He committed violent crimes without a second thought. Like all bad men, however, the law eventually caught him and they hanged him. That should have been the end of it and with anyone else it would have been. It turns out Hell didn't know what to do with Cain either. After an eternity in Hell, Cain fought his way back to the Mortal World...and he's not going back.

About the Author

Daryl Russ is an author of Brimstone: The Legend of Quentin Cain trilogy.