Diary of a Fat Girl: How I Lost 140 Pouinds, Overcame Binge Eating Disorder, and Learned to Love Myself After Weight Loss Surgery

Diary of a Fat Girl: How I Lost 140 Pouinds, Overcame Binge Eating Disorder, and Learned to Love Myself After Weight Loss Surgery
Lisa Sargese
A painful personal struggle of a 400 pound woman who battles addiction and the agony of morbid obesity. Funny and raw story of how she lost more than just the weight and recovered from gastric bypass after a lifetime of being bullied.

About the Author

Lisa remembers at 6 years old hiding in her grandma's kitchen and eating 6 meatballs in under a minute. She understands eating disorders first hand. Dedicated to helping people overcome addiction and pain, Lisa gives talks and teaches college in NJ.