Elf Mastery

Elf Mastery
Bryant Reil
In a fantasy world that exists in the background of our own, Kyla Nim leaves home to find her future role. After the disappointing revelation that she is to be a simple messenger, she runs afoul of Erebus, god of darkness, and his vengeful Avowed followers. With the help of her friends, she must find a way to stop them before the world is locked into a cold and eternal darkness.

About the Author

Bryant has worked in a government office for many years, but has had a fascination with fantasy fiction since seeing his first play at age 4. He devoured many series as a child, and in particular loved The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. His interest later turned to creation over consumption, and has worked on private projects his adult life. Elf Mastery, first released in 2016, is the first to reach the public.

He currently resides in Kelowna, BC, Canada, only a few blocks from Okanagan Lake, where he enjoys the beautiful summers on nature walks while listening to music.