Emperor of Mu

Emperor of Mu
Jason Beveridge
An emperor falls ...and the old races stir. The most powerful man in the Six Realms is mysteriously killed by a hidden foe and sets off this medieval mystery of rivalry, love and war that pits race against kind. Highly acclaimed for its world-building and fabulous characters, this epic fantasy will keep you guessing with its twists and turns.

About the Author

My creative journey began while living in London designing a fantasy board game, titled the Middle Kingdom of Mu. In quiet moments, often travelling overseas on business, I had fun writing the lore and inventing the different realms. Why a board game? Back then, I thought digital games would deprive our two sons of social interaction and limit their development. How the world has changed since.

Although my early career was in marketing, I never thought about creative writing, let alone whether I had the aptitude or the time. On holiday travelling to Bali, I discovered through my new Kindle, emerging novelists writing great fantasy and Sci-Fi, and this encouraged me to have a crack.

So, after years of playing the corporate warrior, I now have time to explore my creative side and give chase to wondrous ideas and storytelling that I never knew existed in me. Yep, it can be a bit self-revealing; who would have thought?

​I now live in Sydney helping business owners to develop and grow their businesses (which I greatly enjoy), and with the rest of my time, I pursue the wonderous.