Fantastic Fiction

Fantastic Fiction
Brian Yansky
Stories set in the real world (mostly) but with fantastical elements. Guest appearances by monsters, witches, ghosts, the devil, demons, a couple of murderers who happen to be a couple, and maybe Jesus Christ. Stories about the day the sun disappears, about a boy who tricks a monster and about a witch who hires a detective to find her missing Familiar. And more. Four first published in magazines.

About the Author

I’ve published nine novels, five traditionally and four independently. I love science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural stories in all formats: novels, short stories, movies, series etc. A lot of my main characters are adopted. Like them, I was adopted. I live in Austin, Texas. I I’ve taught college and worked a lot of different jobs and lived in a fair number of cities. I love writing novels and stories most (have published over 15 stories: Glimmer Train and other magazines), but I like writing most anything. My grocery lists are excellent.