Feed Your Real Hunger

Feed Your Real Hunger
Jill K Thomas
Jill Thomas, certified hypnotherapist, weight-loss, and stress reduction expert, helps you uncover the whole, authentic self hiding beneath food, weight, and body image issues. Guiding you along a journey both frightening and exhilarating, Jill gently encourages you to confront the self-defeating beliefs, stuffed-down emotions, and core fears that hold you trapped in the battle with food and fat.

About the Author

Jill Thomas, CCHT has been a health and wellness professional for over 15 years, specializing in stress/anxiety reduction and attainment of holistic wellbeing. Her own near-lifelong quest to lose weight avails her unique understanding of the problem, and her ultimate success in shedding 75 pounds within a single year – and keeping it off ever since – inspires her to share how it is possible to completely change our thinking about food, exercise, and body image to reflect greater self-care and love for who we are.