First Cut

First Cut
J. T. Bishop
Stalked by a serial killer, a former detective’s search for answers will lead her to risk life and love to confront a madman eager to destroy both. A mystery thriller with romantic suspense and a paranormal edge, First Cut is book one of four in a thrilling detective series.

About the Author

Award-winning author, J.T. Bishop, is a writer of mystery thrillers with a supernatural edge. Growing up, she read Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, and Dean Koontz, devoured every episode of the X-files and watched plenty of TV shows with great partnerships that leave you wanting more.

She loves tangled relationships, unexpected twists and turns, heart-stopping love stories and the complications that come with all the above. Throw in a little supernatural fun and she’s hooked. Her evil plan is to hook you, too.

She’s the author of The Red-Line Trilogy and its sister series, The Fletcher Family Saga, which features touches of urban fantasy, light sci-fi, and paranormal romance. She’s also happily writing mystery thrillers featuring two charismatic detectives who may occasionally encounter a supernatural villain or two, and a crossover series which follows the exploits of a gifted, but troubled, paranormal P.I. and his spunky sister.

All the above keeps her busy, but in her spare time, she loves a good movie, tasty food, an unfortunate sugar addiction, and traveling.