I Am Moore

I Am Moore
Celeste Granger
The word love was unsettling for Emery; it was loaded with notions of submissiveness and sacrifice, loss of self, and being dependent on another person. Notions Emery wasn’t sure she wanted. Emery had to be pursued. Evan was attracted to her unapologetic disposition in the courtroom, along with her sophisticated air, Emery was a challenge; one that Evan planned to take on full steam ahead.

About the Author


Love. It is a many splendid thing, isn't it? Yet, it's not a straight path from one heart to another. Most often, love is a tangled mess that challenges our thoughts, beliefs, and challenges us to prove over and over that we are more than enamored with an individual. Love is a tangled conglomeration of what the mind thinks, what the soul feels, and what the heart knows. And I write about it...