Immortal Reborn: Arianna's Choice

Immortal Reborn: Arianna's Choice
Natalie D. Wilson
They are here. They have always been here. And they are immortal. What if you found out you were one of them? Book 1 of the continuing saga of Alexandria and the Nephilim.

About the Author

Natalie D. Wilson is a lover of the written word by profession and by heart. Her days are spent encouraging the youngsters, at the elementary school where she serves as a library-media specialist, to become lifelong readers. She and her husband, Will, are Georgia natives and the proud parents of two very precocious and messy rescued parrots. The Children of Angels series is Natalie's first foray into the world of authorship, and the development of an idea which first began with a simple piece of music years ago. It is her hope that you will find the world she envisions as captivating as she has, as she developed and imagined the world of the Nephilim.