In My Heart’s Footsteps

In My Heart’s Footsteps
LaOr Paz NoyRozen
A feeling of emptiness drove LaOr to leave on a quest. She managed to set herself free from patterns to discover infinite love and strength inside her. This journey led her to write this book that grants its readers a feeling of elevation, hope and joy.

About the Author

Laor Paz-Noyrozen is an independent woman, mother, therapist, and lecturer, who relates to her inner beliefs - to the essential internal focal point, who looks at treating her own self and her patients with love and devotion.
She began her career with studies in art and design, following which she worked for a design firm and as an art director for TV and cinema.
At each stage of her life Laor combined intuition with a sense of aesthetics and inexhaustible energy.
She also explored the field of Feng Shui: the practice of creating harmony between energy and space design.
At some point, feeling something was missing, that she lacked the essence, she left on a voyage of self-discovery!
This journey led her to study various therapeutic methods and especially, to find what she had always been looking for.
She found self-love, inner strength, calm, serenity and above all, she found her calling.
Laor realized she had come to this world to show people the way home towards themselves, towards self-love and a connection to their hearts - where all the answers lie.
The book describes the long journey she accomplished and provides tools and insights that will help you unite with your inner self.