Iris Avenue

Iris Avenue
Pamela Grandstaff
When the bloody trail of a drug-dealing turf war leads back to Rose Hill, Police Chief Scott Gordon’s investigation is hampered by an ambitious county investigator and a ruthless FBI agent.

About the Author

Pamela grew up in West Virginia. In 2007 she started writing a book, decided to make it a mystery, and has since written a new one every year. Twelve are planned, one for each month of the year.

Rose Hill is a fictional town located in the northeastern corner of West Virginia where it borders Maryland and Pennsylvania. The titles are taken from the author's favorite flowers, and many of the character names are inspired by the Irish, Scottish, Italian, Greek, German, Lebanese, Hungarian, Jewish, and Polish names of the friends and neighbors she remembers from her childhood.

In addition to the Rose Hill Mystery series, Pamela has written and illustrated two children's books: "June Bug Days and Firefly Nights," and "Ella's New Hat and her Terrible Cat."