Jesus Ascended. What Does That Mean?

Jesus Ascended. What Does That Mean?
Scott Douglas
Jesus rose. But Christ didn't just rise from the dead. He ascended to Heaven. It wasn't until after the Ascension that they were on fire for Christ. So, what happened during the forty days between the resurrection and Ascension? Jesus was not done teaching. Something happened.

About the Author

Scott Douglas wrote this about page, which, he admits, makes him sound a bit like a narcissist; so narcissistically speaking, Douglas is the esteemed author of a memoir about his experience working in a public library (Quiet, Please: Dispatches from a Public Librarian), an ongoing YA series (The N00b Warriors), and two technical books on iPhone app development (Going Mobile and Build Your Own Apps for Fun and Profit). Esteemed writing aside, Douglas teaches humor and memoir writing for the Gotham Writers Workshops. He lives in Anaheim, but to sound cooler, he usually says he “lives five minutes from Disneyland.” He lives with his wife, Diana, in a home that is a registered California landmark. His burbs smell like roses.