Kim Kardashian Saves The World (After President Trump Nearly Ends It)

Kim Kardashian Saves The World (After President Trump Nearly Ends It)
Richard Hine
A #1 KINDLE POLITICAL HUMOR BESTSELLER! When America's first reality TV President faces a nuclear crisis, only the biggest reality star of all can restore peace to the world. Reviewers call this timely short-read "fast-paced" and "hilarious!"

About the Author

Richard Hine is a novelist, short story writer, ghostwriter and four-time finalist (one-time winner) in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. His ebook satire Kim Kardashian Saves the World (After President Trump Nearly Ends It) became a #1 Kindle Political Humor Bestseller in the US and Canada during the 2016 election season. One 5-star Amazon reviewer wrote: "This is the funniest book on the market, an absolute SCREAM!"

His debut novel Russell Wiley Is Out to Lunch (Lake Union Publishing, 2010) was described by Paul Steiger, Editor-in-Chief, as: “a rollicking satire about the slitherings of corporate snakes and the gambits of conjob consultants in the desperate world of modern media.” Booklist called it “briskly written entertainment.” Publishers Weekly said: "This wry contemporary comedy — one part Glengarry Glen Ross and two parts Sophie Kinsella — will make readers cheer.... a winner in every way.”

His short fiction has appeared in London Magazine, Brooklyn Review and many more literary publications.