Love Always

Love Always
Sonya Loveday & Candace Knoebel
Fraternization between guests and employees at the Diamond Isle Resort is against the rules. However, rules mean nothing when it comes to matters of the heart. Phillip Warrington is smart, foxy, and goal-oriented. He has always had his life planned out. But none of those plans involved falling for wildly adventurous Maggie. Maggie Fairchild knows the season is almost over. With her plan to take to the seas only months away, she wasn't expecting Phillip to stumble onto her path and steal her heart.

About the Author

Sonya Loveday, first and foremost is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to purchasing her first laptop in 2009, and publishing her first novel, Casted, in 2013.
Not long after the completion to the Casted Series, Sonya tried her hand at New Adult/Coming of Age, a sub-genre of Contemporary Romance. Thusly, the Six were born with The Summer I Fell, which released at the end of July 2014.
To date, Sonya lives in Central Florida with her husband, and two kids, and is currently working on the fourth book of the Six Series. Be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming news on Sonya's website!

Candace Knoebel is the award-winning author of Born in Flames—book one in a young adult fantasy trilogy. She discovered in 2009 through lunch breaks and late nights after putting her kids to bed, a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. And an outlet for all the voices residing in her head.
Published by 48fourteen in 2012, Born in Flames went on to win Turning the Pages Book of the Year award in February of 2013. In January of 2014, the last book in the trilogy, From the Embers, was released, thusly completing the trilogy. She now works on the Night Watchmen Series, while guzzling Red Bulls and pretending to be a ninja on Heelys.