Loving Ellie

Loving Ellie
Lindsey Brookes
Ellie Sanders is pregnant and alone. Lucas Tanner is back to settle his younger brother’s estate. One fears abandonment. The other fears loss. Can Ellie and Lucas put their painful pasts behind them and finally find true happiness? Or are the emotional walls they’ve built up around their hearts too strong to tear down?

About the Author

Romance author Lindsey Brookes is a four-time RWA Golden Heart finalist, as well as a past American Title III finalist, and winner of Harlequin's Great American Romance Novel contest. She writes for Kensington Publishing, Amazon Publishing, and has indie-pubbed several of her young adult and adult contemporary romances. She is represented by Michelle Grajkowski with 3 Seas Literary Agency. Lindsey’s website: www.lindseybrookes.com