Mindspeak / Heartspeak

Mindspeak / Heartspeak
Sandy Nathan
Dr. Clarisse Hull is a brilliant theoretical physicist. Her research manages to prove the existence of alternative universes, and she manages to create portals in time space, which lead to other worlds. Now the denizens of the alternate reality she reached grab her up. Clarisse finds herself captive in an alternative universe. She must save herself, in order to save everyone on Earth. Along the way she will encounter breathtaking adventure and hideous betrayal, but also find the love of her life.

About the Author

I used to be a princess. My parents were born in the hungry days of the Great Depression. They overcame the poverty of their youth by becoming extremely successful. I spent my time showing horses and water-skiing behind my dad’s obscenely overpowered boat. That life vanished when a drunk driver hit my father head-on in 1964, killing him.

Not instantly, though. My dad's death was the stuff of horror movies and plunged my family into years of darkness.

My old life disappeared. I lived at close to poverty level for a while. What happened in the following decades opened my eyes. I've seen and lived the over-privileged existence I describe in the Bloodsong Series. I've seen how it can warp those who are lost in it. I've seen how the power of money can mask mental illness and allow evil to ruin lives.

How did such a hothouse flower end up writing the rough and visceral fiction I do? It’s because of what happened in those dark years.

My writing has a bite. My life has had a bite. Recovering from what happened to me has taken many years. And I have recovered. What was legitimately mine came back to me, along with the fruit of my own labor. If your life echoes mine, you might like to see how I healed; it’s in my books.