Murder at The Big T Lodge

Murder at The Big T Lodge
Dianne Harman
What could go wrong at The Big T Lodge, the most prestigious and expensive hunting club in the United States? Well, murder for starters! There’s no lack of suspects, but who did it, and what was their motive? Anger from Milt’s former lover? Revenge from the lover’s husband? Milt’s proposed cigarette tax increase despised by a North Carolina tobacco farmer? The California State Senator who wants to be Governor of California? Or the chef’s assistant who hates Milt’s liberal views?

About the Author

Dianne is the author one suspense series, Coyote Series, and four cozy mystery series, Cedar Bay, Liz Lucas, High Desert, and the Midwest Series. She lives in Huntington Beach, California, with her husband, Tom, and her boxer dog, Kelly. When she isn't reading or writing, she can be found in the back yard playing fetch with Kelly or baking chocolate chip cookies with her grandchildren.