Music Theory: From Beginner to Expert

Music Theory: From Beginner to Expert
Nicolas Carter
This 250+ page book (with audio examples) provides a fully structured, detailed and unique step-by-step way to easily understand, learn and use music theory in your playing, and become a better musician.

About the Author

Hi there, Nicolas here.

I'm all about continuous life-improvement and discovering your true-self so that we can find and attract beauty into our lives, be the best we can be, and enjoy life as much as possible! Playing music and guitar, or any other instrument, is a big part of that. It's really one of the best ways to express yourself and feel more confident in life!

I love to simplify seemingly complex yet interesting and useful subjects. That's why music theory has been a passion of mine for so many years - I always found it fascinating. Putting together what I've learned in this field and presenting it in a book, in a way that has not been done before, and making it as good as possible to the best of my efforts, is what I'm really proud of. I hope to be able to inspire you to start learning music theory with this book; because once you go through it so many doors will open for you as a musician, and you will start seeing and hearing music in a deeper, more profound way.

I wish you all the best experiences on your journey!