Nano Contestant - Episode 1: Whatever It Takes

Nano Contestant - Episode 1: Whatever It Takes
Leif Sterling
In 2114, Pinnacle Corporation, the world’s largest tech company, hosts the Tech Games to showcase the world’s latest technology. The contestants must battle it out in 11 brutal games to ultimately win a $100 million prize! Hacking, firewalls and electronic countermeasures are all being used by contestants while running and fighting at top speed. Roland has vowed to save his father’s life and get him set free. Entering the brutal Tech Games as a contestant gives Roland the perfect cover to get close to the Pinnacle Corporation to uncover evidence.

About the Author

Leif Sterling has always had a rich imagination and an eccentricity for all things technical. He read every door-stoppingly, thick computer manual that he could get his hands on from the time he was twelve on. Not surprisingly, college yielded bachelors and masters degrees in IT for him, which has come in handy when describing futuristic nano systems that haven’t been invented yet.

He enjoys using his powers for good, especially in the craft of storytelling - dreaming up the barely possible, and then placing the reader right in the middle of the action.

Writing is also a great reason to stay inside, in the AC, away from the hot Texas sun where he lives with his beautiful wife, two children and one feisty cat.