Operation Cosmic Teapot

Operation Cosmic Teapot
Dylan Callens
"A virgin birth? A virgin? Her?" God shouted at Freud while recalling his one night stand with Mary. Freud snorted another line of cocaine in celebration, believing that this story would help Nietzsche in his quest to fire God from Heaven Inc. Nietzsche, however, has other problems: the Norse gods are running amok on Earth, his board of directors are in a constant state of chaos, and syphilis pushes him into a past life that he would rather forget. How will he prevail?

About the Author

Dylan Callens grew up in Delhi, Ontario. From a young age, he was always interested in writing; however, in high school, his interests were focused more towards music. He dreamed of being famous in a heavy metal band named Nothing Sacred. Unfortunately, the band wasn't all that good, so fame and fortune never transpired.

Afterwards, Dylan moved to Sudbury, Ontario to attend Laurentian University. While attending, he wrote for the university paper, Lambda, as a columnist, then news editor. Afterwards, he became the Program Director at CKLU radio. Somewhere during that time, Dylan was able to graduate with a degree in English and philosophy.

With such a heavy demand for philosophers in the workplace, Dylan decided to attend teacher's college. He continues to live and teach in Sudbury, Ontario.