Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps
Ciana Stoen
Cade never counted on meeting a woman like Roxie Ellis. Sparks fly at first glance and it's not long before Cade and Roxie are neck deep in what is surely the most sensual bet of their lives and Cade is Playing for Keeps.

About the Author

Happily-ever-after is something Ciana believes in with her whole heart. Love may be a bumpy road and there's bound to be some perils along the way but in the end love should win. She tries to take that attitude into her writing and thinks that love, hope and laughter are some of the best medicine there is. Along with books.

She loves to hear from readers and the most important thing she thinks she can ever say is - "thank you. To every reader who has spent his or her hard-earned reading dollars on a Ciana Stone book, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

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