Precious Silver Chopsticks

Precious Silver Chopsticks
Mae Adams
From her childhood in a North Korean mountain village to a successful life in the United States, the years have brought Mae Adams many challenges. With the past full of ghosts, her final challenge is to share her story.

About the Author

Mae Adams was born in Korea in 1933 as the second daughter and abandoned by her mother for she was not a son. In the Korean family system of that time, the first-born son was a blessing as he inherited the family fortune and was responsible for the entire family.
After the war, she became the breadwinner of her family, managing export businesses, and dreamed of going to America to get a college education. She met the man of her dreams, an American Marine colonel, but left him to pursue her education. During the three years of her separation from him, she continued a long-distance love affair with the colonel.
Finally, she married her colonel and raised a family. After 43 years together, her husband passed away when she was 71. Through the grieving process, she started to write her memoir as therapy. From that first book, “Precious Silver Chopsticks” was born. She is now working on her second and third books.