Prophecy's Ruin

Prophecy's Ruin
Sam Bowring
Prophecy’s Ruin subverts cliches of the fantasy genre in new and original ways, and stars a colourful cast of paranoid warriors, undead mages, psychopathic goblins, indestructible butterflies, shape-changing swamp monsters and an evil talking bird.

About the Author

Sam began writing at a young age, and had his first book published when he was nineteen. Since then he has written various other books and stage plays, as well as for various television shows. His critically acclaimed fantasy series ‘The Broken Well Trilogy’, has reprinted four times and sold over ten thousand copies. He recently started self publishing works too whacked out for traditional publishers, including a choose-your-own-adventure style gamebook entitled 'Butler to the Dark Lord', and a series of short, punchy reads called ‘Sam, Jake and Dylan Want Money’. He is also the creator of a thoroughly uncooperative game, Bedlam Cards. When he isn’t writing, Sam works as a stand-up comedian. He lives in Sydney, Australia.