Rebirth of a Warrior Angel

Rebirth of a Warrior Angel
Osnat Ben Ami
One wants to destroy the world as we know it, the other wants to save it from destruction. But what will happen when the two become one? The answer to this question has the power to determine the fate of the entire Continent of the Fallen Star.

About the Author

Osnat Ben Ami is a mother of nine and grandmother of eleven. In addition to caring for her family tribe, for years she has led a holistic healing clinic for children and adults on the way to self-healing and self-fulfillment. In her work, she combines spiritual knowledge, creativity, and practical tools.
She published her first book, “Is This What You Meant, God?” over a decade ago, and later her second book, “Dancing with Myself”.
After having spent many years studying and researching the depth and meaning of life, she wrote the book “Rebirth of a Warrior Angel”, the first book in her Oranus series.
This book portrays the unattainable through a thrilling fantasy story, allowing us to touch the world of the mind and the soul.