Seal of the King: A Fantasy Novel

Seal of the King: A Fantasy Novel
Ralph Smith
A prophecy foretells of their showdown with the dark one. Separated by two worlds, will these two star crossed lovers have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world? David and Aurora have seen visions of each other their entire lives but never met, until now. Aurora a fearsome warrior and David a simple farmer are thrust into battle. Will their faith be strong enough for them to prevail? Join them as they embark on their journey to the lair of the beast knowing they may never return.

About the Author

Ralph Smith was born in 1964, and grew up in Northport, NY.
I like the current phrase "Be Present", but I would take it one step further. Make the most out of every moment, so that if anyone is your last you can look back in pride at not having wasted it. How we touch the lives of those around us is far more important than what we've accomplished.
I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and three sons who fill my life with purpose every day.
Having traveled around the world for work (more places than some and a lot less than others) I have been blessed with friends all over the globe. I only hope that in some small way I have touched their lives as much as they have touched mine.
I found my faith late in life. For a long time I didn't believe. Then one day, I knew without a doubt that God existed. I knew that he was working in my life in ways I can't always see, but that he was there.
How I knew is one of the things I can't put into words. It would be like trying to explain how I use the muscles in my hand. It is something that is beyond words.
My sincerest thanks to anyone who reads my work. Writing is my passion, it always has been.