Songs of the Deliverer - Faith Wins

Songs of the Deliverer - Faith Wins
Elvo Fortunato Bucci
Can you imagine knowing Christ? 2,000 years ago the baby Jesus is lost before he can fulfill his divinity. Now someone new steps into the void—the Deliverer. "Faith Wins" is the story of his courageous followers as they fight to bring salvation to the world.

About the Author

“Songs of the Deliverer” is the re-imagining of Christ in modern day. The series is written to help children and teens learn the story of Christian faith. Society is becoming more and more secular and young people have a difficult time even talking about religion. The percentage of the younger generation who believe in Christianity is declining precipitously. If that continues, who will teach the coming generations about God? These novels are written so that the reader can learn more of Christ. And teach others the story of salvation.

The Gospel of John ends with the verse: "Jesus did many other things. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." The "Songs of the Deliverer" is my contribution to fill the world with the good news of Christ.

Here is something else to know about me: I work for a midwestern university. I am a husband and I am a father.

And I am a Christian.