Stupid Cupid

Stupid Cupid
Sharon Karaa
Annabelle Pearson was in love but the aloof Nicholas Nattrass didn’t know she existed. At least, not until the Christmas party, when she finds a ring that gives her the ability to see things she shouldn’t, like Cupid about to shoot her one true love!

About the Author

Sharon Karaa is a mass of contradictions, but two facets of her character have always battled for supremacy; her logical self (let’s call him Frank) and her artistic side (lets her call Misty). Until recently, Frank won every battle, forcing Sharon into a life based on most probable outcome and, to give him his credit, it led to a fairly comfortable if rather boring life. Then Misty took up kick boxing and gave Frank a good kick in the goodies. Sharon was first published at the tender age of fifteen. Flush with success, she waited more years than she cares to admit, before making the decision to become an independent author and publishing her first book in 2014. Sharon writes comedy because she needs something in her life she can laugh at, other than herself. Sharon lives with her husband in a little village north of Newcastle, UK. She doesn't have a cat.