The Beginning of the Undoing

The Beginning of the Undoing
Jade Lewis
Keeping order is my charge, but with this fae princess? She thinks it’s all good fun until I snap handcuffs on her shimmery wrists. Then the adventure begins… She’s not who she’s pretending to be, people start disappearing around her, and the worst thing in the universe starts to happen. I fall for her. Meeting her was the best and worst day of my life. It was the beginning of the undoing.

About the Author

Jade Lewis grew up in Texas, but now travels the US with her husband and teenage son.
She loves stories that are packed with action, the supernatural, and loads of swoony feels. She's all about resilient women and the hot men who appreciate everything about them.
She is a bit over the top and too spirited for polite society and probably eats too much chocolate for any normal human being to handle - but she likes to consider that as her own super power.