The Cheat Killers

The Cheat Killers
Gordon Warden
Unfaithful husbands are being murdered in an unusual fashion. Peculiar clues are deliberately being left at the scene. Why? - Does the killer want to be discovered, or are they just taunting the police? Inspector Harry Black must find out, and quickly!

About the Author

Gordon was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, but has lived much of his life in London and the home counties.

During his life, he has run pubs and clubs but now lives in France. He describes Brittany as ‘Paradise on earth’ because of the idyllic, tranquil setting and the stunning beaches.

Apart from writing, he spends his days renovating his home, an old farmhouse, and sometimes attempts to get a tune out of his guitar.

His reading interests, like his music, are varied and include Ian Rankin and David Baldacci.

Gordon never had any intention or desire to be a writer. After a weird dream, he got out of bed in the early hours of the morning, and quickly typed out what he could remember. A few thousand words later, he decided he’d have a go at writing a book. The book eventually morphed into ‘The Cheat Killers,’ which was quickly followed by ‘Who Is The Tigerman?’

The third, in the Harry Black series, is underway, and will be released next year.

A new novella has just been released. You can get it free at