The Collector

The Collector
Kelly Lynn Colby
Fauna Young can sense others’ emotions as well as experience strong memories left on objects. She thinks she’s alone with this curse until she finds another seeking empaths like her. When Fauna arrives at their first meeting, he’s been murdered. And she might be next.

About the Author

Kelly Lynn Colby has tried to write mundane stories but magic always sneaks its way in. The result? The YA epic fantasy duology The Recharging (complete) and the paranormal thriller series Emergence (book three in 2023). The first is safe for young readers while the second is better for adult eyes. She’s learned a ton from her short stories as well which you can find in a plethora of anthologies.

When she’s not traveling the country attending publishing or pop culture conventions, Kelly writes and edits and answers an inordinate number of emails at her cluttered desk, coffee shops, and parks in Houston, Texas. You can follow her adventures on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram @kcolbywrites or subscribe to her blog at