The Galactic Express

The Galactic Express
Tobias Wade
Sali wouldn’t have stolen the latest bionic if she knew it was infected with a virus. Now she’s being punished in a virtual reality world, her brain plugged into a government experiment designed to rehabilitate criminals. The passengers on the Galactic Express think they're exploring an alien planet. The intelligent virus threatens to take over the simulation, and if it escapes, the world.

About the Author

Tobias Wade

Former neuroscience researcher, born again novelist. During my studies, it struck me as odd that I could learn so much about behavior without understanding the intricacies of human nature. I realized that I learned more about what it means to be human from reading stories than I ever had from my text books, and I was inspired to write.

I spent several years selling scripts in Los Angeles, but was ultimately frustrated with my lack of control over my projects. A general stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise my creative pursuits led me to starting my own publishing house to do things my own way.

I now work full time as a novelist and publisher, putting out a new book every three months. Life is good.