The Hidden Monastery

The Hidden Monastery
E. J. Dawson
Captain Katarina Salisbury of the airship Iron Lady is tasked with rescuing villagers from avalanches in the Drezusk Mountains. During a fall the mundane mission becomes intriguing as a monastery from a dead religion is found. There is a wealth of knowledge here, and it holds many secrets about their world. Kat is thrilled with their find, but something in the darkness moves to keep that secret, no matter the cost. She will need all her skills to keep those secrets as the weather worsens, threatening them all.

About the Author

E. J. Dawson lives on the outskirts of Melbourne with her husband, two furbabies, a pet snake and several fish.

Writing from an early age (Disney would have a thing or two to say about a story with a princess and no prince), she has written most of her life, with periods of nothing being written at all, but those days are over. Now she writes, all the time.

During the day she babysits engineers and by night (and sometimes very early morning when the muse won’t rest), she writes the Last Prophecy series. When she isn’t doing those she’s gaming, watching anime, in the bath with a book, and last but not least, role playing whether it be fighting for sanity in Cthulhu or investigating the paranormal in Chill.