The Latina President... and The Conspiracy to Destroy Her

The Latina President... and The Conspiracy to Destroy Her
Joe Rothstein
U.S. President Isabel Aragon Tennyson embarks on a fearless crusade to rein in the financial industry and other rich and powerful forces in the U.S. and around the world. A ruthless international conspiracy's determined to destroy her first.

About the Author

For more than thirty years, through over two hundred campaigns, Joe Rothstein was at the center of U.S. politics. Rothstein was a strategist and media producer for United States Senators Tom Daschle of South Dakota, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Don Riegle of Michigan, Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, Tom Harkin of Iowa, and many others in the campaigns that brought each of them to the U.S. Senate. At its peak, Rothstein & Company could count 10 percent of the Democrats in the U.S. House as his clients. His TV commercials have won many national awards, including the gold medal at the Houston Film Festival. In addition to his work for candidates, Rothstein has consulted and produced media for dozens of commercial and non-profit clients and he has been a featured political analyst on network television and radio. Rothstein is a former editor of the Anchorage, Alaska Daily News, and he is currently chairman and editor of the international news aggregator and distribution service His political opinion columns are published at Joe Rothstein lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Sylvia Bergstrom.