The Lion Trees

The Lion Trees
Owen Thomas
By turns comical and poignant, The Lion Trees weaves an inspiringly written family story, packed with suspense and genuine laugh-out-loud moments. An award-winning literary saga that will blow your mind and leave you yearning for more.

About the Author

If writers are what they write, then Owen Thomas is a fiction. Not a fiction in the way that Ebenezer wonders whether the Ghost of Christmas Past is merely a gastric illusion brought on by an "undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, or a crumb of cheese." Nor in the way that Verbal Kent invented Keyser Söze from scraps of information on a police station bulletin board. Rather, Owen Thomas is a fiction born of creative suffocation, less a product of indigestion or criminal-minded design than a full-on psychotic snap. After nearly twenty-five years as an attorney practicing civil litigation, the emergence of an alter ego was probably inevitable.

But if there is any truth in fiction (and there always is), then here is the truth. Owen Thomas is a life-long Alaskan with an abiding love of original fiction writing and storytelling whose ultimate purpose is always to reconnect the reader with humanity. Owen is a product of the Anchorage School District and a graduate of Duke University and Duke Law School.
To make sure he stays at least somewhat grounded in reality, Owen keeps very busy avoiding his responsibilities. When he is not writing, Owen can be found recreating and taking photographs in the grandeur of his Alaskan backyard and in the middle of the dream that is Hawaii, some of which are now accumulating on Owen's nascent photo blog, 1000 Words per Frame.