The McAllister Men

The McAllister Men
Susan Aylworth
Meet the McAllister Men. Jim has worked as a respected dealer in Navajo art, yet longs for a family. Kurt has everything, so why is he discontent? Chris wants good times, not romance. Meet the women who rock their world.

About the Author

Susan Aylworth loves books, poems, plays, words in almost all polite forms, and good raspberry jam. Her first book, started when she was nine, "was a rip-off of Black Beauty. I wrote eight whole pages!” She lives in northern California with her writer husband, Roger, and the two spoiled cats they serve, and she wishes the kids would visit more often.

The author of 14 published novels and one produced play, Susan loves to hear from readers. Visit her website at or find her @SusanAylworth, at, or on Pinterest. Give her a shout if you'd like to see your name in a future book, but beware: You may become the villain!