The Modest Proposal Institute

The Modest Proposal Institute
Paul James
The Modest Proposal Institute's Founders are looking for a return to mankind's past inventiveness, which they see being lost. Their belief is justified when the teenage pupils of the Institute become men who go on to use their programming skills to amass fortunes before heading out into space and down to the ocean floor.

About the Author

Paul James is an engineer with a life-long interest in books and writing. Originally from England, he's lived with his family near Toronto, Canada, for many years and where he walks, runs and takes wildlife photos whenever the weather will let him. In his writing, he likes to capture the humorous side of life even when sometimes the world doesn't seem to warrant it -- as we saw in his earlier book, Diary of a Canadian Nobody.

For his present series, The Modest Proposal Institute, he's returned to one of his earliest loves -- science fiction. The first three books, An Old Path to a New Future, No More Empires, and Rival Institutes are available on Amazon now (May 2020). The final book, War of the Institutes, will be published on June 3, 2020.