The Mystery of the Indian Carvings

The Mystery of the Indian Carvings
Gloria Repp
Julie HAS to go, and she dreads visiting those Canadian relatives. When she makes friends and meets a wonderful dog, her hopes begin to rise. But stolen carvings and a spiteful cousin threaten to ruin it all. She can't help wondering: does God care?

About the Author

Adventure, mystery, and wild creatures all play a part in Gloria Repp's many books for children. She grew up in the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Northwest, and it was there she learned a love for wilderness that pervades her stories. Over the years, her experiences gained from raising three children, teaching school, and editing have made useful contributions to her work.

Gloria enjoys reading mystery stories, and as she remembered her summers spent on a beautiful island near Vancouver, BC, she decided that it was the perfect place for an adventure that could change a young teen’s life: THE MYSTERY OF THE INDIAN CARVINGS.