The Pathless Woods

The Pathless Woods
Morgan Smith
An unnamed and mutilated corpse in a windswept field. Some street kids gone missing. Vampires and hellhounds appearing where they should not be, and a woman whose witchcraft has gone out of control. Someone is trying to destroy all of Elfhame, and is using the Human world to do it. One young Fae girl is determined to stop them.

About the Author

Morgan Smith has, in other lives, been an archaeologist, a travel writer, and a bookstore owner. She is also the author of several medieval-based fantasy novels including The Shades of Winter, Casting in Stone, and A Spell in the Country, as well as romantic fantasy called The Mourning Rose. Her life is held together by caffeine, cigarettes, and cheap granola bars, and she will drop everything to go anywhere, on the flimsiest of pretexts.