The Phoenix Grail

The Phoenix Grail
Helen Savore
She sees fae people! All children play with imaginary friends, but Alexandrea’s talked back. Fae influence lingers on earth, leaching life. Without the Phoenix, fae must harvest more life through war, weather, hate, and disease. Alexandrea is a descendant of Camelot, thus a potentially successor to Merlin’s Phoenix. The only problem? They need the grail first.

About the Author

Helen Savore writes fantastical worlds filled with a mixture of modern and medieval settings. She explores stories loosely based on Arthurian legends, secretly wishing that King Arthur would return to pull the world from the brink of darkness.

An engineer by day, and a gamer when time allows, this paper ninja writes, reads, plays with pen-and-paper RPGs and folds origami. It’s not surprising that her stories are filled with unexpected folds and twists that blend seamlessly with reality.